This section provides details of articles Danny has published in various journals, bulletins and magazines. In most cases, the article can be accessed by clicking on the journal cover. Articles not yet available will be uploaded in the near future.


Essay by Danny on the movie UTU; 'UTU And The Search for Real History', NZ Journal of Media Studies, Vol 3 No 2 1996, pp. 13-18. Includes Danny's article on Māori Oral History - 'The Past From the Paepae: Uses of the Past in Māori Oral History', in Māori and Oral History: a collection, Rachael Selby and Alison Laurie (eds), Oral History Assn of NZ, 2005, pp.54-61. Click to read: article by Danny on race relations and New Zealand politics during 'Don Brash' era - 'The Unmentioned Minority', Massey Alumni Magazine, Issue 16, April 2004, p. 3. Includes Danny's article on Gustavus Von Tempsky (Listener, April 19-2003, pp. 30-31), written as a tie-in to TV One documentary 'Von Tempsky's Ghost' (April 21 2003).   Paper on the history of Māori education presented to this conference (1 November 2007, pp. 62-70). Reprint (2006) of John Houston's classic 'Māori Life in Old Taranaki', originally published in 1965. The Introduction for this Reed Publishing (NZ) reprint was written by Danny, see pp. 7-8.   Essay on the life of Te Whiti O Rongomai of Parihaka by Danny - click to read the essay.Inaugural Te Pouhere Korero Journal - article by Danny, 'Predicting the Past: Some Directions in Recent Māori Historiography', Vol I : No 1, March 1999, pp. 24-35. Front page of inaugural Journal signed by Māori historians present at Journal's launch, Te Wananga O Raukawa, Otaki, March 1999.  Second issue, Te Pouhere Korero Journal - article by Danny, 'A Few Ventrous Souls', Towards a Comparative History of Māori New Zealand and Native North America', 2002, pp. 82-93.Click to Read - Conference Review, attended by Danny - 'Crucible of Cultures. North American Frontiers 1750-1820', New Orleans, USA, 18-19 November 1994; pp. 26-27.  Danny's article is: Incontrovertible Fact, Nothwithstanding Estimates, Passing Impressions to Resounding Expectations, Māori People Observed in the Early Contact Period, He Pukenga Korero, Koanga (Spring) 1995, Vol 1, No 1, pp.54-64.    Danny's article is A Permanent Expedient? MMP and Māori Politics, He Pukenga Korero, Koanga (Spring) 1996, Vol 2, No 1, pp. 58-61.Book review by Danny - Te Hikoi Marama, A Directory of Māori Informattion Resources (1993), published in Historical News (1994).   Article by Danny on Māori Oral History - 'By Word of Mouth', The Past from the Paepae', Historical News (History Department, Canterbury University), Oct 1994, pp. 4-7.     Click to read Danny's review of 'Te Haurapa. An Introduction to Researching Tribal Histories and Traditions' by Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal, review published in Historical News, May 1993.