Sites Overseas

Native American Museum, National Mall, Washington DC.This section contains photographs of historic sites and battlefields that we have actually visited recently in the USA, or elsewhere, like London.

For example, if you’ve had the chance to visit Washington DC, you’ll know how awesome the town is, with its array of famous monuments. Not all of these are monuments to past battles of course.

Gaylene (in the red coat) at the Washington Monument, photo taken on 15 January 2009, President Obama's inauguration day.

Many, if not most, record the political history of the USA, centred around prominent figures of the past like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King. However, there are many Civil War battle sites nearby and stretching south.

Georgetown University, Washington DCWashington is also home to Georgetown University, an historic and renown place of higher learning, one with quite a reputation throughout the USA and in fact throughout the global tertiary world.